Sunday, 31 December 2006

Concerning dragons

Anton round in the evening with two large Ordnance Survey maps and print-outs from the Internet. We sat about drinking sparkling mineral water and discussing his ideas for a Dragon quest into East Sussex. Felt a bit like a scene from The Hobbit. This county does have some amazing history. The proposed route includes a fossil beach, abandoned airfields, an open prison, Roman ruins, castles, the sites of centuries-old forges and into St Leonard's forest, which was supposed to be a dragon's lair.

Anton had found a wonderful description of it from 1614. Apparently it spits: "He will cast his venome about four rodde from him, as by woefull experience it was proved on the bodies of a man and a woman comming that way, who afterwards were found dead, being poysoned and very much swelled..."

Will be sure to wear my Berghaus jacket with the hood down.